(Commission slots are limited when open, please contact to check availability)

My name is Daniel Novak, I am a freelance artist from America who specializes in custom artwork, portraits, and illustrations related to the Furry Fandom. I am a completely self taught artist with everything I create. All my drawing skills are from hard work, dedication, and lots of practice. I have been drawing my whole life, but I began to specialize in furry/anthro artwork since mid 2015. I am proud to say that my artwork has improved since then, but I also hope to improve further as the years go on.


If you have any questions / comments, feel free to contact me at one of the links below!

Commission info

- You must be 18 years old or older in order to commission me!- all prices vary on complexity and payments can currently be made through paypal.- most species welcome, furry species preferred. (Ask if unsure!)- sfw/"Safe for work" artwork only, however I can draw suggestive works/outfits/etc.- all of my commissions are drawn in my "toony" style.please ask about experimental works, artistic freedom, YCHs/"Your Character Here's", digital badges, character designing, backgrounds, complexity fees/quotes, digital painted style, types of available brush styles, anything not listed on this site, etc.

Prices / Turn Around times

Turn around times can vary on complexity, but typically it takes 1-6 Weeks to complete each artwork commission. Customers will be notified if there is any delays!Please keep in mind, I cannot guarantee any specific deadlines/turn around times!All prices below are reflective of the time, effort, skill set, and customization i provide. The prices below are starting prices, higher complexity will cost more!All prices listed are in USD/United States Dollar only!
Payments currently available through Paypal only!
I offer fully customized artwork but I also offer an option called "Artistic freedom" at a slight *discount. This option allows me the freedom to do what I wish for the piece. Generally this option results in illustrations with more spark to them since it's more enjoyable for myself as an artist. You simply provide the character/s and general vibe you'd like for the artwork and I handle the rest!*The commission is only discounted if you allow me freedom to do what I'd like with the piece. (Providing a general vibe/theme is fine, however this is not a fully customized commission option!)






additional characters +60% each






additional characters +60% each

Reference Sheets

2 View


3 View


additional/add-ons:Headshot/Bust.... +$30.00 Each
fullbody............ +$55.00 Each
Props or Items.... + $5.00 Each
-----------------------------Name/species/Pronouns, basic info, Palette, etc is included in base price!

© RebelSavant99 / Daniel Novak (2023)